Source | MMT
There’s no better time to discuss the scholarships and grants available to support education in plastics and moldmaking!
The Society of Plastics Engineers Mold Technologies Division has established the Glenn Beall Scholarship, an initiative designed to support the next generation of professionals in STEM fields. Managed by Joe Karpinski, the division’s education chair, this scholarship is set to award $3,000 to undergraduate students enrolled in plastics manufacturing engineering programs or other STEM-related career paths.
“We are thrilled to introduce the Glenn Beall Scholarship, which we believe will have a profound impact on the future of the plastics industry,” says Karpinski. “By providing financial support to deserving students, we are not only investing in their education but also empowering them to become future leaders in the field.”
In addition to the scholarship, the division is also accepting grant applications for special programs or projects at training centers, community colleges or universities focused on plastics manufacturing engineering, tooling or plastics design. Grants of up to $5,000 are available, with application forms accessible through Karpinski.

Grant and scholarship funding for plastics/moldmaking education is available. Source | CoPilot
“The grant program is an opportunity for institutions to develop innovative projects that will advance the field of plastics engineering,” explains Karpinski. “We are excited to see the creative proposals that will emerge from this initiative.”
The criteria for awarding grants and scholarships are rigorous, focusing on academic achievements, volunteering accomplishments, GPA, program of study and financial need. Applicants must also provide academic references and demonstrate a clear intent to pursue a career in the plastics industry.
“We are looking for candidates who are not only academically accomplished but also passionate about making a difference in the plastics industry,” says Karpinski. “We believe that these scholarships and grants will help shape the future of the industry by supporting talented individuals who will lead it forward.”
Over the years, the SPE has provided “in-kind” grant funding to several universities, including Michigan, Ball State and Washington University, supporting research and development in advanced materials for injection molding. The organization has also awarded scholarships to students in various fields related to plastics and composites engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and more.
For more information about the Glenn Beall Scholarship and grant applications, please get in touch with Joe Karpinski at JPKarpinski23@gmail.com or Scott Peters, division chair, at Scott.Peters@MoldedMarketing.com.
Applications must be received by May 31, 2024, for consideration for the fall of 2024 funding.
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